Construction of Road with Drainages, 1no of Tripple Cell Culvert Over Odolo River Ondo State

Construction of Road with Drainages, 1no of Tripple Cell Culvert Over Odolo River Ondo State

OSSAP on SDGs awarded Zephyrgold the award for the Construction of I Culvert and Rehabilitation of 2No Culverts and other ancillary works in Ileoluji Ondo State which involves  Clearing of Site, Excavate of Material, Providing of Trapezoidal concrete drains  and Provision of bituminous to the road surfacing using cult bitumen MCO at rate not exceeding 1.1Lit/m2.Compactng of asphalt concrete wearing course to a compacted flushness of 40mm

Project Description

Client: OSSAP-SDGs
Location: Ile-Oluji Ondo State
Year Completed: 2019
Value: 168,080,153.80